Where do we play?
Table Tennis ACT has four facilities that you can play Table Tennis at - Kingston, Tuggeranong, Alfred Deakin High School and Shirley Smith High School
Kingston is the main facility with permanent tables and 24/7 access.
How do you join?
You may join as a competition member ($70) or social member ($45). This yearly fee covers registration, Table Tennis Australia affiliation and insurance.
Table Tennis ACT members in addition pay a Venue Fee - $240. The Venue Fee allows you to play at any TTACT venue for free. Note, the Club runs a number of activities that have additional fees including Pennant, Group Coaching and Social Competitions.
Go to the Join Now page and press register to join
What type of equipment and clothing do you need?
Generally you need to bring your own bat. The club has a online shop that sells table tennis equipment (bats, balls, shoes etc) for beginners as well as more serious players and prices can range from $60 for a basic bat with rubber up to close to $500 for more bespoke blades and rubber. Generally the gear you can purchase from sporting stores is Ok to start with but you will need to upgrade to better equipment as you progress.
Clothing, usually shorts and a t-shirt, should be comfortable and allow you to move freely.
General sport/running shoes are okay to begin with. Table Tennis, tennis , squash, or Indoor sport shoes (netball, volleyball) are good choices. Thongs, slides, work shoes and workboots are not permitted due to the risk of injury.
If you have any questions, I'm sure any member will be more than happy to assist otherwise, contact us here
How good do you have to be to play?
Table Tennis is a sport for all abilities and all ages. You don't need to have played before to join in the fun. However if you are already a highly skilled player you will find other members of similar ability to play with. Below are a few Youtube videos that might help with the basics.
A basic overview of Table Tennis
Table Tennis ACT Player Development Pathway
Non-member and Interstate visitors
Non-members are welcome to try:
- Group Coaching (complimentary first session - no need to register, just arrive 5 minutes before session begins and introduce yourself to the coach)
- Spineroos (8 week progam for 5-12 year olds) see here
- Sunday afternoon social play in Tuggeranong ($6 per afternoon)
- If members would like to bring a guest, prior approval is required from the board by emailing info@tabletennisact.org.au ($10 per person per booking/session)
- Group and corporate bookings are facilitated through our head coach George with approval from the board. Please contact george@tabletennisact.org.au with any group/corporate booking enquiries.
- TTA members from interstate are welcome to join our club activities for up to 3 weeks a year without needing to join TTACT. Please contact the club via info@tabletennisact.org.au prior to your arrival so we can assist you with your participation.